3. Programs in Java

It’s time to start learning how to build classes and objects using Java, the language we are learning this year. It’s ok if this feels overwhelming; learning any new language is hard. Just remember that no one was born knowing how to code, just like no one was born knowing how to write an essay.

So if you ever feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t get something or that “Computer Science isn’t my thing”, I want you to think about your English classes and remember that you weren’t perfect then either1. It took a lot of time and a lot of mistakes for you to reach the fluency and confidence in English that you have now. I promise that coding is no exception, and that with enough time and mistakes, you will notice all of the patterns you need to successfully write programs in Java.


Sadly, it also very common for feelings of inadequacy to pop up in computer science because of some really old school beliefs about who should participate within STEM fields (cough racism and sexism cough). So if you ever feel like you are the only one who doesn’t get something or that “Computer Science isn’t my thing”, I want you to reflect on all of the things you have directly or indirectly internalized as “cool” or “appropriate” in this world and challenge the assumption that it applies to you. It doesn’t. Don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise. :)